Program Structure

Course of Study

The minor subject Economics (WiWi KF) teaches basic concepts and general contexts in the areas of economics and business studies. It is studied together with a major subject in the two-subject Bachelor's degree. It has a scope of 60 credit points (CP).

The scope of study for the minor subject Economics is one third of the entire two-subject course. The minor subject Economics can be chosen in combination with all major subjects offered at the University of Bremen. Depending on the chosen major subject, it is completed with the title "Bachelor of Science" (B.Sc.) or "Bachelor of Arts" (B.A.) after a standard period of study of six semesters.


Structure of the Program

The Bachelor's degree program in Economics (minor subject) has a standard period of study of six semesters and concludes with the degree of the profile subject.

Please find the ideal study plan here:

Detailed information on the degree program is published in the Economics (KF) information brochure (German only).


The course of studies is composed of three areas:

1. Business Studies: HR management & organization, marketing, accounting & accounts, value creation processes, finance & investment, corporate taxation

2. Economics: microeconomics, macroeconomics, economic and fiscal policy

3. Subject Supplement: eGS courses sustainable management and project management (eGS: video-based online courses)


The minor subject Economics provides a basic education in business and economics. The subject-specific education is complemented by online-based supplementary courses. These also serve to acquire general skills in preparation for professional life. The Bachelor's thesis is part of the major subject.


All modules in the minor subject Economics are compulsory modules. A specialization is only possible in the major subject if this is provided for there.


The University of Bremen uses the learning and course management system Stud.IP (Study Accompanying Internet Support of Classroom Teaching). The registration requires the username and password of the account given by the Center for Networks (ZfN) for e-mail and other network services. Students receive an activation code and an activation password with their enrollment documents. At the beginning of the semester you should register for your courses via Stud.IP. Here there are course materials and announcements from teachers. Students can also manage their timetable, use discussion forums, access the bulletin board, and much more.


Internships are generally recommended for students. They are carried out via the major subject. However, information on internships is also provided by the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics. When looking for internships, students are supported by the Career Center of the University of Bremen and, in the case of economics topics, also by the Faculty's Office for Practice and Transfer. Further information on internships can be found in the Practice and Transfer section.

Semester Abroad

Semesters abroad are not compulsory; however, they are recommended. The best time to spend a semester abroad is determined by the course of study in the major subject.

Detailed information on studying abroad at the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics is published at International Affairs - Outgoings.